Privacy Principles

Privacy Policy

1. Legal compliance

AGRANA Fruit Japan shall comply with the Act on the Protection of Personal Information and other related laws and regulations in Japan and its board members and employees understand the importance of personal information protection. We ensure that personal information is appropriately protected and preserved.

2. Use

Personal information we obtained is used for the following purposes.

  • Guidance and sales activities involving the products and services we offer
  • Notification of our latest information, various seminars, and exhibitions
  • Response to inquiries

We use cookies for purposes such as improving customer service as well as advertising and publicizing our products.
If you configure browser settings to allow sending and receiving cookies, we will get cookies saved on your computer, and the collected browsing history may be associated with your personal information.

3. Providing personal information to a third party

We do not provide personal information to a third party without the consent of the individual whose information it is. But we may provide personal information in the event of a request based on legal provision.

4. Outsourcing

We may outsource personal information in the scope necessary to carry out our operations. Based on our selection criteria, we select businesses for outsourcing that meet our safety criteria, and control and supervise contractors appropriately.

5. Appropriate management of personal information

We implement safety measures to protect personal information you provided, as well as personal information we received from business partners, from unauthorized access, loss, destruction, falsification, or leaks, as well as to correct it. We continuously maintain and improve our personal information protection system.

6. Disclosure and correction of personal information

We respond according to legal provisions when requested by you or a proxy to disclose or correct personal information.